Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Remodeling Femshep's Shirt

I'm trying to remodel the "weird space" on Femshep shirt from my mod to release the version 2.0 and Ashley version with it. Remodel things like a breast can be a real headache but I begin to understand how a vertex really works to prevent deform the mesh, with a lot of patience and the correct tools (scale, move, smooth tool and planar) it's possible!.

Some people also ask me if I could resized the chest because it looks so big (although I didn't change anything on the original outfit, it was the original size) and time before the release I was thinking on it because I don't like Shepard's chest size on ME3, to be honest I expected no one would like the resized chest with less breast, what a surprise :D.

So I resized the chest and eliminated the space between the breast, it took me 6 hours lol and it's not finished yet, I need to align some vertices because the texture on the chest looks a bit deformed but not much noticeable. Here's some pics (all from 3Ds, pics from the game soon, need fix some issues first :)):

 No more weird space but I need to smooth some vertices for the release.

Chest resized, now looks more natural but I think it still needs some resize from the top, need work on it.

Working in edged faces mode helps a lot for modeling, that was my mistake before and you should always work with that mode.

Wow, now it looks more like a shirt, isn't it? I'm happy with the result.

  The model with the diff texture. The texture on the remodeled body is a bit deformed where the weird space was, I need working on it.

Well, that was all, I hope I will release the new version soon without any problem.

Best regards :).


  1. 6 hours, aaargh, my hand feels numb just by thinking about it! Good luck with the UV work. It's totally worth it IMHO.
